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Mr. Charles playing the harmonica

A recent centurion study conducted by the New England Centenarian Study at the Boston Medical Center in Boston Massachusetts, concluded that people who live to be one hundred years or beyond shared three common factors.

One: The study group members all lived their lives functionally independent, though for the most part, they were all surrounded by lots extended family members as well as friends and neighbours that allowed for communication and the exchange of thoughts and new ideas.

Two: The study group all reflected an amazing resilience in the way they handle the peaks and valleys of every day life, how they handle stress. They all expressed the belief that once you face a crisis, you have to let the pain and desperation of the moment go, and move on with the living.

Three: The study group members all exemplified the importance of remaining physically and especially mentally active throughout the course of your life. None of the centenarians were said to be obese, this was especially true of the men. As the researchers all agreed, once the brain slows down, so does the body, and in turn, so does life.

The centurion study also addressed the issues of cancers that are today widespread in the developed world. The researchers reported that cancers can best be kept in check by not smoking, by again living an active mental and physical lifestyle, and most importantly, eat a naturally balanced diet, low on fats and carbohydrates, high on fibers and maize.

In the conclusion of the fascinating study, the oldest known woman to have been located by the research team lived to be 122 years. She smoked regularly until her early one hundreds until she quit, and in doing so, extended her life by another 20 years. The researchers explained the woman's longevity by simply saying, "80 % of beat the clock is still genetic".


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