page is sponsored by BelizeRivers.org,
a membership organization for the protection through
the promotion of the rivers of Belize. The President
of the organization is Austrian national, computer
engineer and adventurer Ms. Regina Angela Firek
from Vienna, Austria who became so concerned about
the rivers of the world and the future of fresh
water on the planet that she initiated her own
rivers movement.
Temash River is located in the Toledo District of southern Belize.
The river is accessible by an one hour motorboat ride south from
the seaside town of Punta Gorda. The river is also accessible
by dirt road, turning off the Southern Highway at Jacintoville
and heading south towards the Garifuna village of Barranco. However,
the road splits after you pass through the Maya village of Santa
Ana, about a mile shy of the bridge which spans the Moho River.
Take the road to the left that leads you through the villages
of Consejo Creek and Sunday Wood. Soon after you pass through
Lucky Strike where the road literally falls into the Temash.
that point you are just across the river from the village of
Crique Sarco. Locals say from there it's about sixty five miles
down river to the Caribbean or Bay of Amatique, all of it navigable
by boats with outboard motors. As for the trip up river towards
the Guatemala border, you will need a canoe for the remaining
fifteen or so miles up stream from Crique Sarco.
suggest for either up or down river excursions, plan ahead by
calling the village phone in Crique Sarco and asking for Antonio
Rash. Antonio is the only registered and licensed tour guide
in Crique Sarco and a member of the Toledo
Tour Guide Association.