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I have now been traveling in and out of Belize for well over twelve years. Until researching material for this article as far as health risks I really have never considered Belize to be a dangerous place to travels health. Of course we all are aware that if you take the wrong turn in sections of Belize city after midnight it might just run head on into trouble. So of course I was quite surprised to find that the Chloroquine prophylactic for Malaria prevention is recommended drug travel to Belize.

According to the Center Fro Disease Control (CDC) all travellers to Belize and or Central America should be vaccinated for Typhoid, Hepatitis A. For travelers who may have intimate contact with local residents, especially if visiting for more than 6 months, Hepatitis B is recommended. For travellers who may have direct contact with animals and may not have access to medical care, Rabies prevention is recommended. As for Measles, Mumps and Rubella, if not previously given, two doses are recommended for all travellers born after 1956. Revaccination recommended every 10 years, Tetanus/diphtheria. And although Yellow Fever is currently only found in the Central American country of Panama, all of Central America is suggested by the CDC website as vulnerable.

Source: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention


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