Blue-crowned motmot, found throughout Central America to
northern South America including Belize, is actually the
national bird of Nicaragua. They are Coraciiformes, which
also includes the Kingfishers. The brightly coloured Motmot
belong to the family of Motmotidae. Ranging in length from
the top of the head to the tip of the tail, the Motomot
average between eleven and nineteen inches. They are fairly
common throughout Belize, usually seen in pairs just below
the canopy of the rainforest as well as in the primary and
secondary broad leaf forest and pine forests. The turquoise
browed birds prey upon lizards and insects. After swooping
down and snatching their prey, they return to their perch
where they proceed to beat their food to death against the
tree branch, before swallowing their meal whole.